What Do We Need?
The first thing we need to do is to download some files. We need to download a program called blender. Its a very powerful but still free animation program. Okay so now we have blender downloaded and installed. The last thing we'll need to download is a blend file. This blend file contains a fully animated fox logo and the only thing we need to do is to change the text. All the credits for this blend file should go to the creator of this file, Matt Hoecker.
Blender is Avalible at www.blender.org (7 mb)
The blend file by Matt Hoecker is here http://blender.sixmonkeys.geek.nz/albums/album41/FOX_Logo_by_Matt_Hoecker.blend (1mb)
How To Open Blender
To Open the blend file done by Matt Hoecker simply right click on the blend file and select open with... and then blender.
How To Put Your Name In There Instead Of 20th Century Fox
This is how it should look like when you open the blend file. Now we want to change the text. Okay we start by pressing the "20" on the highest row with the right mouse key. Then we press delete and enter. So now there should be only the "th" left on the highest row. With your mouse right click on it and then press the tab key. Now you will be able to write your name or company or whatever you want it to say on the highest row. WHEN YOU HAVE WRITTEN WHAT YOU WANT IT TO SAY YOU HAVE TO PRESS THE TAB KEY AGAIN. If the text is to long so it goes out of picture don't worry, we'll fix it later. Then we'll do the same thing for the middle row right click, press tab write whatever you want it to say and press tab again.. And for the last row, right click, tab and what you want it to say and tab again. Now we will need to get everything we wrote centered. Try to find these keys in the blender window
. The hand and the green circle we wont be needing. Just the red triangle and the blue square. If you press the red triangle you will see arrows in difrent colors on your logo with those you can move it around. You'll understand. And with the blue square you can make the text larger or smaller. When your done customizing you should have a look at this window
. Here You will be able to select how big your movie will be and witch format. With these
you change the size of the movie. And if you click on the button were it says JPEG this will come
up. Set it to "AVI JPEG" or "AVI Raw".Then click the big anim button
. This one will render for about 6 hours (I now, it's a long time but the result is good). You should be able to use everything on your computer (except blender) while it's rendering but it maybe will be kind a slow. When you click the anim button a rendering window will come up. And in the left upphand corner you will be able to see witch frame its working on. This animation have 600 frames so when it hits frame 600 let it render 1 or 2 minutes more and then press F3. Here you can choose were to save your animation.
The Music
Someone else have to provide the music to you, I'm not putting it out. But the smart thing with this animation is that its almost perfectly matched with the music and then a little extra time in the end to let the movie fade out.
Video courtesy of planetearthstudios
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